Member-only story
Park life
East v West and something in the middle
2 min readJun 9, 2020
Walking through London Fields on the weekend, I noticed a sign saying the park is open 24 hours. It started me comparing the parks in East London, with the parks I remember from West London.
- Closed
- Subscribers only
- No entry without the key
- No ball games
- No bicycles
- No children
- No fat people
- No uglies
- No walking on the grass
- No picnics on the paths
- No fun!
- This park is open 24 hours
- No roaming gangs of police officers looking for people to be offended by
- No signs saying “No.”
The magic middle: Coram’s fields
“No adult may enter unless invited by a child.”
Coram’s fields, in the middle of London, near London University, is a seven acre playground for children living in or visiting…